Websites are created by both well-known, large brands and small businesses. It can also be a great idea to showcase your portfolio if you are a freelancer or a professional in some field. Your own website can also be useful if you run an online store. Allegro has had high commissions for quite some time, and well-known online stores are starting to move to their own sites. Websites also come in handy for people who run blogs on various topics and want to make money on Google Ads later on, if you run a popular site the earnings from ads can be really substantial.
We can advise you on the choice of website, we will provide a cost estimate for a given version and the subsequent cost of maintenance. There are many types - onepage websites are characterized by one page without any additional subpages. This page is based on scrolling information from top to bottom - an ideal choice for presenting your services or portfolio. Multipage websites have several subpages, e.g. about us, gallery, contact, services. We can also create an advanced website with an online store and a large number of subpages or a map. Our consultants will help you choose by presenting the advantages and disadvantages of particular solutions, so even if you are not quite sure what you need - do not worry, together we will find an appropriate solution.
We recommend individual hosting for a website instead of ready-made portals for creating websites, then we depend only on ourselves, the name of our website is reserved and we do not have to worry about practically anything. Professional hosting also guarantees safety of data, which can be very important in case of online stores or if we store data of e.g. customers with the help of the website. With hosting you have to choose the capacity of the server or the amount of available data, so in the initial interview we will certainly ask about your plans for the future, in order to properly adjust the hosting offer for you. Of course, there is also the possibility of free hosting, but in the long run it is a bad choice. No guarantee of data security, big limitations in terms of data transfer and website capacity - these are just some of the disadvantages of free services.
It is estimated that the average cost of a website on the Polish market is between 4 and 8 thousand PLN. Of course, you can create a website cheaper, but it will be a truncated version without many necessary functions. You can also create a website more expensive if you need a professional interactive service for a huge number of people, want to place an online store or, for example, create an electronic room reservation system for your hotel with MySQL databases and online payments. There is practically no upper limit, it's all a matter of what you need and what would be on the website. Of course, we can help you choose the options, present their advantages and disadvantages and decide together how the website will look like.
If you want, while creating a website for you, we will take care of its positioning. This is extremely important, because even the best, most valuable website is worth nothing if the potential customer can not find it. Ranking in Google is a key issue, which determines traffic to the site, revenue from Google Ads and gaining new customers. We also do SEO, so we know what it is all about. Our best professionals keep track of the constant changes and influence of various factors on the positioning, so you can rest assured - despite the fact that Google's algorithm is constantly changing, your website will always rank high.